
DIY Flower Paw Print Art

July 23, 2021 Lili Kendall
dog with artwork
Need a gift idea for the dog mom in your life? Or do you just want to do a fun and hands-on craft with your four-legged friend? Look no further than our pawsitively perfect paw print flowers! 

What You'll Need: 
  • 1 small canvas
  • Paint brushes (we recommend using a sponge-tipped one and two smaller brushes!) 
  • Non-toxic and washable paints (we used two shades of green for grass, and four other colors for the flower paws)
  • Paper towels, water and cleaning supplies for easy clean-up
  • Your dog! 


How to Make It: 

  1. Paint your dog's paw with one color. It's okay if you get a little bit of paint on their fur! 
  2. Carefully press their paw down onto the canvas. 
  3. Lift up your dog's paw and repeat steps 1-2 for each of your paint colors. 
  4. Let your flower paws dry for several minutes. 
  5. Once dry, feel free to add any little details to the flowers with your paintbrush—whether they're lines or dots for more of a textured petal look! 
  6. Take your other paintbrush and paint on the grass, stems, leaves, etc. We liked using two colors to add more dimension, but use as many or as little you want!
  7. Let dry and clean up your pup's paws. 


And now you've got yourself the finest piece of art! If you try this DIY with your dog, tag @PetParadiseResort so we can share! 


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