
Four Tips for First-Time Pet Owners

May 20, 2023
Pet Paradise

Welcoming a new pet into your family is exciting and can be a big change to your current lifestyle. Pets require time, patience, and lots of commitment. As a first time pet-owner, there are many things to keep in mind to feel prepared when you bring your furry friend home.

Here are four tips first-time pet parents can follow to help ensure their pet has a smooth transition to their new home:

1. Pet Proof Your Living Space

Before you bring your new pet home, make sure that your house is ready. Be sure that there are no electrical cords in reach and that socks, shoes, and other items that a puppy might want to chew on are put away. You will also need to have some basic items before you bring your pet home such as bowls, a leash, a collar/harness, a crate, and toys.

When you bring your pet home for the first time, give them space and time to learn and explore their new environment. Show them where they will sleep, drink, eat, and go to the bathroom. Decide early on if your pet is allowed on the couch and what rooms in the house they can access.

2. Visit the Vet

It is important that first-time pet owners do research on veterinarians in their area. Finding a vet that both you and your pet trust will make vet trips much easier. As soon as pet parents bring home their furry friend, they should reach out to a veterinarian to schedule an appointment. The vet will be able to discuss vaccinations and provide information on the pet’s overall health. Your vet will also likely discuss things like microchipping and if you are planning to spay or neuter your pet.

Many pet parents opt to take their pet to NewDay Veterinary Care at Pet Paradise because of the comprehensive pet health care that is provided. Along with low-stress veterinary care, Pet Paradise offers grooming, day camp, overnight boarding, and dog training - all things your pet may need under one roof.

3. Research Your Pet’s Needs

Do research and discuss with your veterinarian things such as how much exercise you should be giving your pet, what food and treats they should eat, and how much to feed them. You will also need to learn how often you should be giving your pet a bath and having them groomed.

It is also important to conduct research on your apartment or neighborhood. Some areas have restrictions on certain breeds, and many apartments and rentals have an additional fee for having a pet in the home.

When you bring home your pet, it’s important to get them on a schedule as soon as possible. Do some background research on your breed to help learn their potential habits and preferences. Consistency and predictability are helpful in the first few days you bring home a new pet because they know what to expect.

4. Start Training your Pet

Training your pet is a big part of being a responsible pet owner. Your pet’s age, breed, and background will all play a factor into how long it will take to potty train, house train, and socialize them. Remember to reward good/correct behavior with a treat and praise, and to correct incorrect behaviors as you see them happen.

Consider looking into pet training courses and classes, such as the training programs that Pet Paradise offers. Especially if you are busy, signing up for a pet training course is a great way to get your dog trained.

Remember to be patient with your new pet, and that it will take some time for them to adjust to new people and new places. If you take the proper steps as a new pet owner, in time, your pet will begin to relax and become accustomed to their new home and family. 

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