
How Pets Say I Love You

February 01, 2024 Kalei Burgess
How Pets Say I Love You in Pet Paradise

With everything you do to care for your four-legged friend, it’s no wonder they’re so excited to express their love for you — but pets have a unique way of showing it! Read below to decode the top ways your pet’s behavior is saying, “I love you!”


Pets may express love through play. Dogs, in particular, may bring you their favorite toys, show signs that they’re ready to play, or initiate activities that they know you enjoy. Cats often engage in mock hunting behavior by pouncing on toys, objects, or even unsuspecting owners' feet. Interactive play is how both fidos and felines express their affection, so engage in these activities to show them love back!


Seeking physical closeness and curling up next to you is a way for pets (both dogs and cats) to show their affection. Dogs may choose to lay next to your side or on your lap, while cats will opt for a comfy seat on your chest or next to your head in bed.  


Dogs often show affection by licking their owners. Licking plays an important part of how they bond with others, causing them to release dopamine and endorphins that help make them feel relaxed, calm and happy. Cats may lick their owners as well, but it’s a form of grooming rather than kisses. Feline’s naturally groom other cats in their social group, so they’re showing their comfort and attachment to you in the same way!


Purring is a way for cats to communicate comfort and satisfaction, and is often a method for them to express you’re part of their social group. Purrs can indicate they want attention from their human friend while eliciting a low-vibration that promotes relaxation and reduces stress — for both themselves and their owner!

Tail Wagging

Tail wagging can mean that a pup is excited, but it’s also a way for them to show their love for you! When a dog wags their tail, its a nonverbal form of communication that signifies they have a strong attachment to you and love being in your presence.


Cats may gently bump their heads against you, a behavior known as head butting or head bunting. Since cats have scent glands located throughout their bodies (including their foreheads), they’re transferring their scent to you and marking you as part of their territory. Feline’s typically head-butt other cats as well to reaffirm bonds within their social group, so they’re extending this same love to you! 

If your four-legged friend displays any of these behaviors, it’s a good sign they love you just as much as you love them. Looking for a way to get a few extra cuddles or head-butts? Visit Pet Paradise for all of your boarding and day camp needs — they’ll be sure to show their appreciation for their time in Paradise!

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