
Three Ways to Prevent Pet Obesity

June 20, 2023
Pet Paradise

Similarly to humans, pets can become obese due to inactivity and lack of a proper diet. There are many harmful effects that pets may experience if they are overweight or obese, and in many pets, a few pounds can make a big difference in their overall health and happiness. 

Here are three tips for pet owners looking to ensure their pet maintains a healthy weight to avoid obesity-related health issues.

1. Prioritize exercise and playtime 

Pets need regular exercise and playtime to help maintain a healthy weight. Exercise not only helps to burn calories, but also improves your pet’s mood and stimulates their brain. The type of exercise your pet should engage in depends on their age and overall health. There are a lot of ways to get your pet moving, such as taking them for a walk, playing fetch, or giving them puzzles to figure out. Pet parents can also consider taking their pets to day camp so they can get exercise and burn off energy while playing. At Pet Paradise, pets are able to play with other animals of similar size and activity levels, all under the supervision of playtime coordinators. Pet Paradise resorts also feature a swimming pool, jungle gyms, and play areas that allow for plenty of energy expenditure.

2. Provide a balanced diet

Overeating or overfeeding your pet can be a main contributor to weight gain. Many pet parents like to give their pets treats as a reward or as a way to entertain them, but there is such a thing as giving your pets too many treats. Try to limit the amount of treats you give your pet throughout the day to just a few, or perhaps look into lower-calories treats. Also, try to avoid feeding your pet any human food or leftovers from meals as they are likely higher in calories.

Portion control is also very important to helping your pet maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to consult your veterinarian on how much you should be feeding your pet given their breed, age, and activity level. It is also important to establish a feeding schedule with your pet and help them learn when it is meal time. Having a regular feeding schedule helps pet parents measure how much their pet is eating.

3. Visit your veterinarian regularly 

Regular vet visits are important to preventing obesity and helping to maintain your pet’s weight and overall health. If your pet is obese or overweight, your vet can offer advice on how to adjust their diet and exercise routine. 

If your pet is rapidly gaining weight, they may have an underlying health condition that your veterinarian can identify and treat. It is important to address any weight issues with your vet early on so you can prevent your pet from becoming obese. 

Through prioritizing exercise, providing a balanced diet, and visiting the vet regularly, you can help reduce the risk of your pet becoming overweight and avoid the health issues that can come along with it. This preventative care ensures their overall health and well-being, and enhances their quality of life. 

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